Capybara Cheat Sheet
Capybara cheatsheet
Form Navigation/Interaction
- Navigating
visit('/projects') visit(post_comments_path(post))
- Clicking links and buttons
click_link('id-of-link') click_link('Link Text') click_button('Save') # Click either a link or a button click('Link Text') click('Button Value')
- Click the first link with the name of ‘Show’
click_link('Show', match: :first) # or first(:link, 'Show')
- Click the first button with the name of ‘Update’
click_button('Update', match: :first) # or first(:button, 'Update')
- Interacting with forms
fill_in('First Name', :with => 'John') fill_in('Password', :with => 'Seekrit') fill_in('Description', :with => 'Really Long Text…') choose('A Radio Button') check('A Checkbox') uncheck('A Checkbox') attach_file('Image', '/path/to/image.jpg') select('Option', :from => 'Select Box') # Find disabled fields with find_field 'This is disabled', disabled: true
- Scripting
result = page.evaluate_script('4 + 4');
- Debugging
Capybara Finders
find_field('First Name').value
page.all(:xpath, '//a')
page.first(:xpath, '//a')
page.find(:xpath, "//input[@id='form_pets_dog']")['checked']
# => true
page.find(:css, '#with_focus_event').trigger(:focus)
# => 'blah'
# => 'a'
# finds invisible elements when false
page.find_by_id("hidden_via_ancestor", visible: false)
page.find_button('What an Awesome')[:value]
# => 'awesome'
# => 'labore'
# => '/some_uri'
Note: find
will wait for an element to appear on the page, as explained in the Ajax section. If the element does not appear it will raise an error.
Note: In XPath the expression //
means something very specific, and it might not be what you think. Contrary to common belief, //
means “anywhere in the document” not “anywhere in the current context”.
Attributes for find or All
Options Hash (options):
text (String, Regexp) — Only find elements which contain this text or match this regexp
:all - same as false; finds visible and invisible elements.
:hidden - only finds invisible elements.
:visible - same as true; only finds visible elements.
function visible (Boolean, Symbol) — Only find elements with the specified visibility:
true - only finds visible elements.
false - finds invisible and visible elements.
count (Integer) — Exact number of matches that are expected to be found
maximum (Integer) — Maximum number of matches that are expected to be found
minimum (Integer) — Minimum number of matches that are expected to be found
between (Range) — Number of matches found must be within the given range
exact (Boolean) — Control whether `is` expressions in the given XPath match exactly or partially
wait (Integer) — default: Capybara.default_max_wait_time — The time to wait for element count expectations to become true
find("#btn_login", :visible => true).click # search only the visible element.
find("#btn_login", :visible => false).click # Search only the invisible element.
find("#btn_login", :hidden => true).click # Serch for the hidden element.
find("#btn_login", :all => true).click # Search for both visible or hidden elements.
find("#btn_login", :wait => 10).click # Changes the internal timeout - in seconds.
Capybara Scoped Finder within
within('.search_form') do
fill_in 'Name', with: 'iOS 7'
click_button 'Search'
within("//li[@id='employee']") do
fill_in 'Name', :with => 'Jimmy'
within(:css, "li#employee") do
fill_in 'Name', :with => 'Jimmy'
within_fieldset('Employee') do
fill_in 'Name', :with => 'Jimmy'
within_table('Employee') do
fill_in 'Name', :with => 'Jimmy'
# Execute the given block within the given iframe using given frame name or index.
within_frame('some_frame') do
Capybara Matchers
expect(page).to have_content("Some Content")
expect(page).to have_no_content("Some Content")
# True if the current path matches the browsing session
expect(page).to have_current_path( "Some path" )
# True if there is a anchor tag with text matching regex
expect(page).to have_xpath("//a")
expect(page).to have_xpath("//a",:href => "")
expect(page).to have_xpath("//a[@href => '']")
expect(page).to have_xpath("//a[contains(.,'some string')]")
expect(page).to have_xpath("//p//a", :text => /re[dab]i/i, :count => 1)
# can take both xpath and css as input and can take arguments similar to both have_css and have_xpath
expect(page).to have_selector(:xpath, "//p/h1")
expect(page).to have_selector(:css, "p a#post_edit_path")
expect(page).to have_css("input#post_title")
expect(page).to have_css("input#post_title", :value => "Capybara cheatsheet")
# True if there are 3 input tags in response
expect(page).to have_css("input", :count => 3)
# True if there or fewer or equal to 3 input tags
expect(page).to have_css("input", :maximum => 3)
# True if there are minimum of 3 input tags
expect(page).to have_css("input", :minimum => 3)
# True if there 1 to 3 input tags
expect(page).to have_css("input", :between => 1..3)
# True if there is a anchor tag with text hello
expect(page).to have_css("p a", :text => "hello")
expect(page).to have_css("p a", :text => /[hH]ello(.+)/i)
# For making capybara to take css as default selector
Capybara.default_selector = :css
# checks for the presence of the input tag
expect(page).to have_selector("input")
# checks for input tag with value
expect(page).to have_selector("input", :value =>"Post Title")
expect(page).to have_no_selector("input")
# For making capybara to take css as default selector
Capybara.default_selector = :xpath
# checks for the presence of the input tag
expect(page).to have_selector("//input")
# checks for input tag with value
expect(page).to have_selector("//input", :value =>"Post Title")
# checks for presence of a input field named FirstName in a form
expect(page).to have_field("FirstName")
expect(page).to have_field("FirstName", :value => "Rambo")
expect(page).to have_field("FirstName", :with => "Rambo")
expect(page).to have_link("Foo")
expect(page).to have_link("Foo", :href=>"")
expect(page).to have_no_link("Foo", :href=>"")
Asynchronous JavaScript
page.should have_content('baz')
page.should_not have_xpath('//a')
page.should have_no_xpath('//a')
- =XPath and CSS=
within(:css, 'ul li') { … } find(:css, 'ul li').text locate(:css, 'input#name').value Capybara.default_selector = :css within('ul li') { … } find('ul li').text locate('input#name').value
- Accept alert
- Find meta tag
page.find("meta[name='keywords']", visible: false) page.find("meta[name='description']", visible: false)
- Close previous opened window
within_window(page.driver.browser.window_handles.first) do page.driver.browser.close end
- Set hidden input value