Calling Golang Script from a Rails app
First step: create a Rake Task
Let’s start with a simple rake task, at the terminal execute the following command:
$ rails generate task CallGoRoutine
We used the Rails generator script to create the task, which creates the task file at lib/tasks/call_go_routine.rake
# call_go_routine.rake
namespace :call_go_routine do
Let’s add some code in order to have it calling our script.
First we create a folder inside /lib
to be the host of our personalized scripts. I will call it scripts
$ mkdir \lib\scripts
Now you can copy your go routine inside this folder. For that example is a simple main
that is already compiled.
Let’s add some code to have the rake task calling the go routine
# lib\tasks\call_go_routine.rake
namespace :call_go_routine do
desc "Runs an external Golang script"
task :run_go => :environment do
puts "running a Go routine!"
filepath = Rails.root.join('lib', 'scripts', 'main')
output = ` #{filepath}`
Adding parameters
Using Using ARGV
That is my preference when we need few arguments.
When you run a rake task, the tasks names are bundled up a constant – ARGV. So it’s possible to:
# lib\tasks\call_go_routine.rake
namespace :call_go_routine do
desc "Runs an external Golang script"
task :run_go => :environment do
puts "running Go!"
ARGV.each { |a| task a.to_sym do ; end }
filepath = Rails.root.join('lib', 'scripts', 'main')
output = ` #{filepath} #{ARGV[1].to_s}`
puts output
And this would be run like this:
$ rake call_go_routine:run_go param
Using [] - the Rake way
Rake has a built-in way of accepting arguments:
# lib\tasks\call_go_routine.rake
namespace :call_go_routine do
desc "Runs an external Golang script"
task :run_go, [:param1, :param2] do |t, args|
puts "running a Go routine!"
filepath = Rails.root.join('lib', 'scripts', 'main')
output = ` #{filepath} #{args[:param1].to_s} #{args[:param2].to_s}`
And this would be run like this:
$ rake add[1,2]
I am not a fan of this method since use the brackets for the parameters input, which is not really a standard. User’s of zsh shell also reported errors, and have to escape the brackets to have it working.
Using environmental variables
Another option is to use environment variables. It’s very simple:
# lib\tasks\call_go_routine.rake
namespace :call_go_routine do
desc "Runs an external Golang script"
task :run_go => :environment do
puts "running a Go routine!"
filepath = Rails.root.join('lib', 'scripts', 'main')
output = ` #{filepath} #{ENV['param1'].to_s}`
Running this would look like:
$ rake add param1=1
The caveat here is that the usage of environmental variables forces you to type in caps.
Calling from a rails Model
Calling directly a Golang routine from a model, is not really the more recommended approach. I would recommend to encapsule your Go routine in an webservice and then have the rails app consume it, but maybe there is an occasion might need it
require 'rake'
class User < ApplicationRecord
after_create do
User.run_rake('call_go_routine:run_go', 'p')
def self.run_rake(task_name, param)
load File.join(Rails.root, 'lib', 'tasks', 'my_task_to_call_go_routine.rake')
Rake::Task['call_go_routine:run_go'].execute({param1: param}))
Interesting reference about Rake